Mandala & Sacred Art – Oakland

WHEN: Saturday, March 18, 2017, 11a-7p

WHERE: The Makers Studio at The Rare Bird
3883 Piedmont Ave., Oakland, CA  94611

FEE: $155 per person
Includes all materials to complete a mandala or sacred piece of art.

Space is limited.  Sign up here!

Feel free to email or call 510-757-3664 if you have questions.

Join us for an incredible 1-day Mandala Painting Workshop, as Gina guides you through the fundamentals of creating your own sacred work of art. The class will include a Red Thread Circle ritual of connection, with guided visualizations to assist in allowing the painting to come through the heart center. Mandalas have been used in many cultures for centuries as a tool to create sacred spaces in one’s internal and external environments. Each participant will complete a wondrous, colorful painted mandala or sacred art image.